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CNY Hamper 06

Martell vsop 700ml
金丝花燕碎 (37.5g)
Bird’s nest (37.5g)
5 条秃参
Png sea cucumber
6 头清汤鲍鱼 (1 罐)
Abalone qing tang 6pcs (1can)
益康牌特级泡参雪耳冰糖金丝燕窝 6×70ml
Ecolite brand bird’s nest with American ginseng white fungus & rock sugar 6×7ml
高丽参片 (礼盒装)
Korea ginseng
日本干贝 (8 粒装)
Japan scallop (8pcs)
普洱茶饼 (357g)
Pur et cha Bing (357g)
仿木茶花菇 3-4cm (100g)
Mushroom 3-4cm (100g)
珍品雪耳 (100g)
Fungus (100g)
Chinese New Year Decorative
Chinese New Year Greeting Card

Notes for delivery out of Kuala Lumpur, Selangor & adjacent area :
Items subject to change according to value paid and presenting in basket

RM 1000.00
Sorry, out of Stock!!!